Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm gonna live forever!

To be totally honest, I always kind of knew that my life story would include some sort of fame. For those who know me, being in the spotlight probably seems pretty far away from my natural state, but since I was just a toddler I felt that I would some day live a stint of it, whether it be for my 4-year-old free dancing to dad’s classical music on our state of the art stereo (probably hot), or with my less than good acting skills as a pre-teen. I have never been “great” at much, and as a 25-year-old with a serious introvert personality, I somehow still know that fame will grace my lifeline, and for some reason I feel it is coming sooner than later. Don’t know why or how, I just feel it. I’m no Nostradamus, but mark my words. Something is about to happen, and it will be for the good! :)


Anonymous said...

Words marked and noted. Actually, you came on the scene with WIDE open "here-I-am-world" eyes! I've been waiting for your debut (and mine). I can feel it coming in the air tonight, OH LORD!

Anonymous said...

Well by the way you write I could swear you are going places...
You will always be important and famous in my eyes girl:)