Thursday, June 26, 2008


Since I'm working with our new outsourced team in India, I get a lot of emails with questions and concerns about what they are learning. There's something not quite right about the "proper" English used over there. When you say "Kindly..." followed by a request, such as "Kindly tell us how to edit the (blah blah blah)", it irks me to no end. I know it is supposed to be polite, but to my American self, this sounds a little pushy. Nobody gets to decide whether my directions on the editing process of (blah blah blah) are kind or not. I get to decide that! And I would respond "kindly" anyway, but that is not the point. The kindness will be of my own accord, ok outsourced employees? Kindly use the word "please" instead. Thank you most kindly!

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