Friday, June 27, 2008

Ze heck?!

What is going on with me? All day I was convinced that today was Saturday, so I went about my life in a relaxed, Saturday sort of way. Then, later in the afternoon, I started to feel that it was Sunday, so I still felt relaxed, but with a silent knowing that I should get some work done before the researchers get in on Monday. Then, I log on to the internet, and my work email, and discover it is FRIDAY! My in-box is full, there's work to be done, and there are people to communicate with before the REAL weekend. It's almost midnight here, but in Maryland it's only before noon on Friday, so I am a wee bit screwed. It's gonna be a long night. Geez Louise. What is wrong with me?! Yes, I ate dinner Mom. ;o)


Anonymous said...

Ze heck is right! But as they say in RENT, "How did you feel today?"
Sounds like your insides wanted to default to weekend mode to create magic without interruption! Good thing you slept 12 hours the night before...

Lisa Steptoe said...

Wow. I hope you eventually get to enjoy the REAL weekend.