Friday, June 27, 2008

"You look tired."

Last night I slept a full 12 hours... and I woke up this morning refreshed and ready to have a great day. I did a few chores around the house, did some exercise, even a little pampering, so as i was walking down the street at around 6pm, I was surprised to hear the boy who works at the surf shop say, "Hi Leah! You look tired!" That got me thinking, and then I realized that I WAS tired. Pretty damn tired. I chatted with him for a few minutes, and then realized something that hope to not forget again:

Eating is not optional. If you exercise after breakfast, and you don't have lunch because you are so caught up in what you are doing, you will get tired. And whether you feel actual "hunger" or not, you need to eat, PRONTO!

I have been experiencing this a lot lately. Something has happened in the past month or so... and I have lost my sense of hunger. Eating has felt like a chore, as I scarf down the first thing of any nutritional value that I can get my hands on, and chug some water so I don't choke on it. The pleasure of food is just not there, and therefore my desire for it has dwindled. This is the first time in my life that I have felt this way, and it is strange because it is completely unintentional. When I would purposely deny myself food in the past, I had hunger "pains", as I call them (I just recently realized that everyone else was saying "pangs"). But I don't even have hunger pains, and when I realize I need to eat, I don't even get an appetite.

This is not something I am worrying about, but I do need to be aware of my nutrition levels, because I can see a difference in my eyes (the whites are not as white as they should be, and I am getting dark circles). It's curious to me, because I do not feel depressed. In fact, I feel quite the opposite... like butterflies and high on life. Maybe this is the culprit. All I know is that I SO do not want to be in a state of starvation ever again, and I need to figure out a way to change my attitude about eating. (sigh)

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