Monday, June 30, 2008

Today for the first time in my life

I got dumped by a boyfriend. (tears) This is not going to be easy to get over. He was really special. I don't know what to say... I'm still in shock. I don't know what to think. I think my heart is going to explode from my chest. This is definately going to be a week of new beginnings.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear this Leah. I know how bad you must be feeling.
I know that you are strong though and you will pull through this. You battle bigger things every day of your life. Just be there for you and if others want to do the same then they will realize it. If not then you will have not lost yourself in the meantime.
I am only an email away if you need me.
Love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Little sister don't you worry about a thing today
Take the heat from the sun
Little sister
I know that everything is not ok
But you're like honey on my tongue...

I am so feeling you, Fawn.